Check out some quotes, videos and testimonials from young people across RCT and YEPS Staff on how youth work have impacted them personally.
YEPS ‘Wrapped 2024’ (key information on YEPS provision through 2024)
Young people from Ynyshir and Ferndale youth clubs told us why they liked attending youth clubs.
Young people interviewed Dan (Ferndale Community School & Ferndale Youth Club) to ask ‘Why youth work?’:
Young people were asked why they enjoyed attending the Baglan sports project and how it improved their mental health:
We chatted to Abi, Ben and Joseph to find out what their YEPS experiences and memories are over the past 7 years:
Young people interviewed Phil (Ferndale Youth Club) to ask ‘Why youth work?’:
Here’s Joseph’s story (aka Little Choc / Choco) ✨ on how his YEPS experience has helped him over the last seven years:
Young People from the YEPS Neurodiversity forum were asked what youth work means to them: