Everyone has the right to be happy and if someone is making you feel unhappy, uncomfortable, small, scared and/or worthless then it must be addressed immediately.
If you or someone you know is being bullied, then it’s very important that you discuss this with someone you trust – this could be a teacher, tutor, social worker, your manager (if it’s happening in work) or your parents or guardians.
Bullying can come in many forms:
- being called names
- being teased, put down or humiliated
- being pushed or pulled about
- having money and other stuff taken
- having rumours spread about you
- being ignored and left out
- being hit, kicked or physically hurt
- being threatened or intimidated
- being bullied through your phone or online
Some other options include:
- Ignore the bully where possible. Remember that the bully is looking for a reaction from you, so don’t give them the satisfaction.
- Keep a record of the dates, times and instances when the bullying occurs.
- If your health is being affected in any way, speak to your family doctor. It is always a good idea to speak to a counsellor. Many schools today have a school counsellor; if not, they can arrange for you to have access to a counsellor who is specially trained to help support you during this unpleasant period.
If you are being bullied outside of school, then you may want to contact the police. The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 so if the people bullying you are older than that, your parents can make a complaint to the police. Hitting or kicking is an assault and calling you names or making rude gestures over and over again, could be harassment.
You can check out Childline’s video about standing up to bullying here:
Cyber bullying is a big problem in today’s society where we are socially connected 24/7. See Bullies Out’s page on cyber bullying and for more information on online safety, you can also check out our page on the subject HERE.
You can check out these organisations for more advice, information, and support.
Childline – Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Samaritans – Samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone.
Bully Busters – Information and practical advice on bullying, as well as contact details for the free helpline or you can email us via the contact us form.
The Mix – Free information and support for under 25s in the UK. Get advice about sex, relationships, drugs, mental health, money & jobs.
Anti-Bullying Alliance – United against bullying
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