Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents are separated/divorced and the serving parent no longer lives at home. 

Currently children who do not live with the serving parent are not normally recognised as Service Children but these children may at times experience some of the same challenges so should not be overlooked by schools or staff.

Are Police and Fire and Rescue included?

Children of the Police Force and Fire and Rescue are currently not classed as Service Children. Some Police and Fire and Rescue officers may be deployed as part of their duty, in these circumstances, parents of these children should liaise with schools to ensure their child’s needs are met.  

Parent is no longer in the Force.

If a parent has recently left the Armed Force’s their child/children will still be defined as a Service Child for up to 6 years, as families can experience many challenges transitioning from a military life to a civilian life.

What about Siblings in the Armed Forces?

Currently, siblings of Armed Forces personnel are not formally recognised as Service Children as their serving siblings are not classed as primary care givers. These children however, should not be overlooked by the school as they may have the same challenges that that service children face and may require support, especially during Operational deployment of their sibling.

What about Private Security Work?                                                                                             

Security Work is often managed by private companies with no Armed Forces involvement so children would not be classed as Service Children. Individuals must remain mindful however that a large percentage of security workers are Veterans and children of which would be classed as Service Children.

If you’d like to find out what support is available to you or if you’d like more information, please contact Jason Hurford on 01443 281436.