In this section you will find information about alcohol, and Organisations you can contact for Support, Advice and Guidance.
Alcohol is a drug that is legal to consume if you are over 18; this includes alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine and spirits.
In excess, alcohol can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. It is important to drink in moderation. If you want to find out more about how to drink responsibly and how to keep track of your alcohol units, check out Drinkaware HERE.
Some of the effects of alcohol include:
- reduce your awareness of what is going on around you
- reduce your reaction times, increasing the risk of accidents happening
- increasing confidence, making you feel invincible, which can lead to making bad decisions
- making you vulnerable which allows others to take advantage of you
- increase in violent tendencies
- drinking too much can make you vomit and pass out. This leaves you vulnerable and prone to choking
- drinking too much over a long period of time can cause damage your heart, stomach, and brain
If you want to know more about alcohol, its effects, and the laws covering this topic, head over to FRANK which provides lots of helpful information.
For more information about the Support, Advice, and Guidance for alcohol, you can check out these organisations: Drinkaware, DAN 24/7, Childline, and AlcoholChangeUK.
Here is a list of services that can offer information, advice and support if you are concerned about yourself or someone else:
DAN 24/7 – Wales’ Drug and Alcohol Helpline.
Barod – Free, confidential, non-judgement advice and support.
AlcoholChangeUK – Alcohol Change UK is a leading UK alcohol charity, formed from the merger of Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK.
Drinkaware – Independent alcohol advice, information and tools to help people make better choices about their drinking.
Reduce Alcohol Intake – NHS Wales guide to reducing alcohol intake
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