Meadow Street Garden Project

The YEPS summer gardening project was developed alongside Meadow street garden in Treforest for multiple reasons. Firstly, as a youth service we aim to raise young people’s awareness of the environment, and further to this how young people can support, maintain and care for the natural environment around them. This project allowed young people to learn and gain new skills in gardening and horticulture.

They learnt how to use new tools, improve areas aesthetically and functionally whilst making new friends along the way. Through learning and caring for the environment they inadvertently learnt how such acts help care for themselves, care for their mental health, care for their wellbeing, and care for their soul.

We aim to return regularly to support each other in this new fledgling partnership and aim to provide the opportunity for many more young people to engage and help in Meadow street garden in the future.


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